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Phobias - N

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Below is a list of phobias with the letter N - Click on a link for more information.

• Nebulaphobia - Fear of fog
• Necrophobia - Fear of death or the dead
• Negrophobia - Fear of black people
• Nelophobia - Fear of glass
• Neopharmaphobia - Fear of new drugs
• Neophobia - Fear of anything new
• Neophobia - Fear of newness, novelty, change, or progress
• Nephophobia - Fear of clouds
• Noctiphobia - Fear of the night
• Nomatophobia - Fear of names
• Nomophobia - Fear of losing or being without your mobile phone
• Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals
• Nosophobia - Fear of contracting a disease
• Nosemaphobia- Fear of becoming ill
• Nostophobia - Fear of returning home
• Novercaphobia - Fear of your stepmother
• Nucleomituphobia - Fear of nuclear weapons
• Nudophobia - Fear of nudity
• Numerophobia - Fear of numbers
• Nyctohylophobia - Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night
• Nyctophobia - Fear of the dark

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